357,916 research outputs found

    Удосконалення маркетингового управління

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    Проведено аналіз механізму управління маркетингом, що є актуальним в теперішній час і потребує змін, а процес впровадження ринкових механізмів у виробничу сферу підприємства значно випереджає інтенсивність впровадження безпосередньо у виробництво досягнень науки і техніки. Запропоновано систему показників які дозволять визначити економічну ефективність заходів щодо диверсифікації управління маркетингом з урахуванням їх впливу на апарат управління і виробничо-господарську діяльність в цілому. The analysis of the mechanism of management is lead by marketing as for today's time especially sharply there is a problem of management of marketing at the enterprise which demands changes, and process of introduction of market mechanisms in industrial sphere of the enterprise considerably outstrips intensity of introduction directly in manufacture of science and technics. Parameters for definition of economic efficiency which will allow to define efficiency of means on diversification managements of marketing in view of their influence on management personnel and industrial and production activity as a whole are resulted

    Удосконалення маркетингового управління

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    Проведено аналіз механізму управління маркетингом, що є актуальним в теперішній час і потребує змін, а процес впровадження ринкових механізмів у виробничу сферу підприємства значно випереджає інтенсивність впровадження безпосередньо у виробництво досягнень науки і техніки. Запропоновано систему показників які дозволять визначити економічну ефективність заходів щодо диверсифікації управління маркетингом з урахуванням їх впливу на апарат управління і виробничо-господарську діяльність в цілому. The analysis of the mechanism of management is lead by marketing as for today's time especially sharply there is a problem of management of marketing at the enterprise which demands changes, and process of introduction of market mechanisms in industrial sphere of the enterprise considerably outstrips intensity of introduction directly in manufacture of science and technics. Parameters for definition of economic efficiency which will allow to define efficiency of means on diversification managements of marketing in view of their influence on management personnel and industrial and production activity as a whole are resulted

    Moving from silos to synergies:Strengthening governance of food marketing policy in Thailand

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    BACKGROUND: Governance processes play an important role in shaping the formulation and implementation of policy measures such as restrictions on marketing of ultra-processed foods. However, there is limited analysis of the factors that affect governance for nutrition, especially in low- and middle-income countries such as Thailand and the Southeast Asia region. This study aimed to examine governance factors that create opportunities and challenges for the introduction of policy to restrict food marketing in Thailand, in line with the WHO recommendations to restrict food marketing to children. METHODS: A qualitative study design was used. Interviews were conducted with 20 actors with experience and in depth knowledge of food marketing in Thailand, including government, civil society, industry and international organisations. Open questions were asked about experiences and perceptions of the governance processes related to policies for restricting food marketing in Thailand. Themes were derived from the 3-i Framework which relates to interests, ideas and institutions influencing the introduction of food marketing policy were identified and analysed using abductive methods. RESULTS: Actors viewed institutional challenges as a significant barrier to advancing effective regulation of food marketing. Three major clusters emerged from the data: interests (priorities, relationships), institutions (formal structures, informal structures, broader institutional strategies), and ideas (norms). The study has three major findings in relation to these factors, highlighting the influence of formal structures, institutional interests in food marketing issues, and ideas in promoting multisectoralism. The siloed nature of policymaking was reflected in the government failing to stimulate engagement among key actors, posing challenges for implementation of effective policy change. Contested interests led to disagreements between actors over food marketing agenda and thus competing policy priorities. Consistent with these findings, the lack of effective mechanisms to promote multisectoral coordination across diverse actors reinforced barriers to policy change. CONCLUSION: The findings highlight ongoing challenges to the government’s aim to strengthen policy to restrict food marketing which, without greater coordination in governance mechanisms, will hinder effective regulation and the achievement of public health goals. This analysis suggests that the Government should prioritise the development of a holistic, multisectoral approach to improve governance for better nutrition outcomes by overcoming policy silos

    Variable tuition fees and widening participation: the marketing of English institutions through access agreements

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    This paper argues that the introduction of access agreements following the establishment of the Office for Fair Access (OFFA) has led to changes in the way that higher education institutions (HEIs) position themselves in the marketplace in relation to widening participation. However, the nature of these access agreements has led to obfuscation rather than clarification from the perspective of the consumer. This paper analyses OFFA's 2008 monitoring report and a sample of 20 HEIs' original 2006 and revised or updated access agreements (2008) to draw conclusions about the impact of these agreements on the notions of 'fair access' and widening participation. The authors conclude that institutions use access agreements primarily to promote enrolment to their own programmes rather than to promote HE generally. As a consequence of this marketing focus, previous differences between pre-92 and post-92 institutions in relation to widening participation and fair access are perpetuated leading to both confusion for consumers and an inequitable distribution of bursary and other support mechanisms for the poorest applicants to HE.</p

    Системно-рефлексивний маркетинг у сучасному підприємництві

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    У статті розглянуто парадигму стратегічного маркетингу, що враховує глобалізацію ринкового середовища. Розглядаються періоди розвитку і трансформації ролі маркетингу в підприємницькій діяльності. Пропонуються шляхи вирішення проблем сучасного маркетингу через впровадження системно-рефлексивного маркетингу, що передбачає створення механізмів узгодження інтересів суб'єктів ринкових відносин.The article focuses on the paradigm of strategic marketing considering the globalization of the market environment. The article concerns with the periods of marketing development and transformation of its role in business; offers solutions to the modern marketing problems through the introduction of the system reflexive marketing which provides the development of mechanisms to coordinate the interests of the subjects of market relations.В статье рассмотрена парадигма стратегического маркетинга, учитывающая глобализацию рыночной среды. Рассматриваются периоды развития и трансформация роли маркетинга в предпринимательской деятельности. Предлагаются пути решения проблем современного маркетинга через внедрение системнорефлексивного маркетинга, который предусматривает создание механизмов согласования интересов субъектов рыночных отношений

    Recommendations from a Meeting on Health Implications of Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)

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    The Ghana Public Health Association organized a scientific seminar to examine the introduction of genetically modified organisms into public use and the health consequences. The seminar was driven by current public debate on the subject. The seminar identified some of the advantages of GMOs and also the health concerns. It is clear that there is the need to enhance local capacity to research the introduction and use of GMOs; to put in place appropriate regulatory mechanisms including particularly the labeling of GMO products and post-marketing surveillance for possible negative health consequences in the long term. Furthermore the appropriate state agency should put in place advocacy strategies to keep the public informed about GMOs

    'Biodynamically cultivated hash, confidentially' : information sharing on the dark web

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    Introduction. This article analyses the marketing mechanisms of Dark Web drug trade focusing on advertising as information sharing. Key research questions are 1) vendors use to convince the potential customers about the quality and service, 2) what kind of arguments do vendors try to build and how they do it? and 3) what kind of information is shared when illegal goods are advertised.Method. The data were collected from Utopia, which is an archive of the Finnish cryptomarket called Sipulimarket. The sample contained all advertisements from December 6, 2019 to March 19, 2020.Analysis. All the advertisements were analysed by using a qualitative content analysis.Results. Four main elements on which the marketing speech is based are 1) quality and 2) effects of the drugs (which we discuss here together), 3) price and 4) persuasiveness of the vendor. Together with the name of "drug store", they make up the image. These elements are the types of information shared mostly when convincing customers about the products. In advertisements both persuasiveness and informative contents were shared.Conclusions. By understanding the mechanisms used in illicit communication happening in the Dark Web, we get a new perspective on sharing information that requires anonymity.Peer reviewe

    Using Facebook and Google Digital Marketing Tools to Engage with Consumer Data

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    This lesson introduces students to two digital marketing tools from familiar giants in the online world, Facebook and Google, for the practical purpose of researching audiences and their interests as well as sparking discussion on the collection and use of big data in marketing. A different beast than traditional business information resources, today’s big data platforms provide aggregated access to the raw data generated from our ubiquitous interaction with the digital world. These platforms provide unprecedented access to user data from social networks, search engines, e-commerce stores, and more, but they require a different approach than the typical library database. Facebook Business Suite Insights and Google Trends, in particular, offer a good introduction to the use of big user data as the interfaces are built for use by non-experts, and the data collection mechanisms should be easily understood by most students. Their use, while novel and information-rich, often prompts questions about the ethics of how the data is generated, collected, and the very nature of these practices in the first place

    Совершенствование маркетинговой деятельности предприятий

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    Рассмотрены основные теоретические аспекты проведения маркетинга и роль на предприятии туриндустрии. Определена необходимость применения маркетинговых стратегий на предприятии туриндустрии. Рассмотрение внедрения инноваций в маркетинге, их позитивного влияния на увеличение прибыли и повышение конкурентоспособности. Данные рекомендации могут обеспечить и эффективность предприятия туристической индустрии и удовлетворить потребности потребителей.Розглянуті основні теоретичні аспекти проведення маркетингу і роль на підприємстві туріндустрії. Визначена необхідність вживання маркетингових стратегій на підприємстві туріндустрії. Розгляд впровадження інновацій в маркетингу, їх позитивного впливу на збільшення прибули і підвищення конкурентоспроможності. Дані рекомендації можуть забезпечити і ефективність підприємства туристичної індустрії і задовольнити потреби споживачів.The basic theoretical aspects of leadthrough of marketing and role are considered on the enterprise of turindustrii. The necessity of application of marketings strategies is certain on the enterprise of turindustrii. Consideration of introduction of innovations is in marketing, their positive influence on an increase arrived increase of competitiveness. These recommendations can provide and efficiency of enterprise of tourist industry and to satisfy the necessities of users. The purpose of work is is consideration of marketing activity in a management a firm. For achievement of the put purpose it is required to decide the followings tasks: it is research of theoretical bases of marketing; - to develop mechanisms and suggestion on perfection of marketing activity of firm. Marketing is a type of activity, directed on satisfaction of needs and necessities by means of exchange [1]. Marketing requires a management. An analysis understand under the management of marketing, planning, organization and control after the leadthrough of measures, directed on establishment and maintenance of exchange with having a special purpose buyers for achievement of certain tasks of organization. We consider that activity of modern firm must be directed on maximization arrived, growth of volumes of sale, output on new markets. It’s often that at the choice of two analogical commodities, users choose products that firm which it is trusted and at which good image. Therefore, every tourist enterprise needs to be thoughtful above producing a good image for users, not sparing facilities, inlaid on advertising and advancement. Result, after the high-quality advertising will cover the inlaid facilities and will bring in a yet greater return

    Regulation status of quarantine pests of rice seeds in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)

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    Open Access JournalThe ever growing international trade has limited efforts towards the prevention of introduction, spread and establishment of invasive organisms. Non-native pests can cause severe loss of production and lead to restriction in exchange of genetic materials and seed marketing across regions. Regulating pests’ movement through quarantine measures and establishment of regional boards has been identified as a way to deal with introduction and expansion of invasive organisms. This review analyzes the different pest regulations in the West African sub-region with a specific focus on the implementation of quarantine measures in rice as a case study. The various regulations related to seed production, certification and marketing, and quarantine regulations in West Africa were analyzed and their enforcement and performance were assessed through comparison to international standards, especially the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC). Although a regional regulation on seeds and phytosanitary measures has been elaborated, ECOWAS countries are still enforcing their national phytosanitary legislations, which are nearly the same in all West African countries - they all aim at ensuring plant health by applying preventive and curative measures to prevent the introduction and spread of pests in their territory by controlling the import and export of plant materials and disseminating appropriate pest management techniques to boost agricultural production. Most ECOWAS countries are yet to submit their phytosanitary legislation to IPPC to comply with Article VII.2i of the endorsed convention. In addition, the entry points are not well defined and provided to the IPPC according to the Article VII.2d of the convention. When the quarantine list is available, the organisms regulated for each crop species are not stated, posing a real problem not only for rice genetic resource exchanges for research purposes but also for rice seed trade. Efforts and resources should be devoted by each country to research on pests and regulatory mechanisms in order to define, among others, pest status in the region, and to update regularly the quarantine pests list in the West African region